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Beaver Island District Library

Library Board Meeting Minutes - (budget meeting) March 24, 2011

Beaver Island District Library Budget Meeting

March 24, 2011

Present: Stambaugh, Gregg, Weirenga, Lounsberry, Souders, Burton, Lyle, Cruickshank, Moore

Others Present: Tidmore

·        Call to order: 4:30 p.m. by Stambaugh

·        Additions to agenda

·        Weirenga presented the proposed budget for 2011-2012 (see attached)

o   Motion to accept the proposed budget by Gregg/Seconded by Lounsberry/Passed

·        Other

o   Cement work out for bid

§  Deadline April 25th to be completed by June 1st

o   Burton talked to Dan Gentle about new benches for the garden

o   Cruickshank will talk to Jim Wojan about tree removal

o   Moore will contact Val Myerson at Charlevoix as to how they handle Kindle/Nook items

o   Cruickshank gave Weirenga $1400 that was made this past year from the book sale

·        Next regular meeting will be on April 14th

·        Motion for adjournment by Gregg/seconded by Souders at 5:19 p.m.

Respectively submitted,

Phyllis Moore